Workshop speculative Board Game
I had the opportunity to lead with Sophie Daste and Guillaume Stagnaro an experimental workshop for the creation of board games, during the Frankenstein Media festival in Avignon lead by the collectif Freesson.
Gol’It Yourself ! made by Manon Derain, Chloé Desmoineau, Julien Drochon, Paul Gaston et Dyonisis Zamplaras.
Gol’It Yourself is a board game where the pawns are made of Play Doh. Get as many of your pawns off the board to build a golem and win the challenges!

Blackbox by Anaïs Nisimov, Mathilde Buenerd, Laura Williams, Louise Pignier et Hernan Zambrano
Two players control a third person (or victim) with their hands tied, forcing her to hold a chalk that you move to draw by pulling strings. The goal is to try to make your victim guess as many words as possible.

Dracolocation by Manon Derain, Chloé Desmoineau, Julien Drochon, Paul Gaston et Dyonisis Zamplaras
Dracula, ruined after bad investments, is forced to open his mansion to share. A certain Doctor Frankenstein is answering the call. The cohabitation was going well until the arrival of electricity in Transylvania. Frankenstein decides to use this new technology to bring his creature to life. Relentlessly, day and night, there are noisy trips back and forth between the generator and the laboratory. But Dracula, having been a light sleeper for the past two centuries, doesn’t appreciate this situation !